TimeCrystal L2 13B

role playing
story writing

This 13B model is built to maximize logic and instruct following, whilst also increasing the vividness of prose found in Chronos based models like MythoMax, over the more romantic prose, hopefully without losing the elegant narrative structure touch of newer models like Synthia and Xwin.

TLDR: Attempt at more clever, better prose.

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2.5 Not good

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One of the distinctive advantages of this model is that it AI barely mentions bonding, camaraderie, pushing boundaries and other nonsense. In terms of logic and engaging dialogue, it's certainly not perfect, like many other 13b models, but I still liked it enough to use it quite some time.


Seems pretty adaptable to different character card formats, maintains character personality well in comparison to other 13B models. I used it for long-form/slow burn RP and had a good experience with it (200+ turns each). The model wasn't hyper horny like so many others, but once it made sense to get that way it did a good job. A personal favorite.


This was unexpectedly good. Some models that are supposed to be smarter than this don't seem to understand implications as good as this one. Very good. Definitely worth a try.

quant: other

Bro this good

quant: gguf q5

I checked this model out at a redditor's recommendation, and it was great. It maintained cohesion, was consistent where it needed to be, but was flexible where I wanted it to be after some pushing. This is a daily driver for me.

quant: gguf q5

Of many of the 13b models I’ve used, thus far this one has been one of my favorites. It followed model cards relatively closely, and gave interesting responses with good prose. I tend to use some pretty exacting instructions for vernacular, and this is one of the few models that mostly reliably output my instruction set. It’s not perfect, but out of all the models this size, this one worked rather well!