
free nsfw tier
custom characters
role playing
story writing

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2.5 Not good



Constant queue


PROS: Free to use. Their UI is user friendly and looks nice. The bots have good knowledge of known characters. They have a bot you can talk to while you wait in the queue. Their bots could be a little bit smarter, but it's still good for what it is. Besides, they are working on their own model, so we'll see how that goes.

CONS: It's annoying that I sometimes get pushed back into the queue. As for memory, they use 4k memory context for paid users when nowadays 4k is the standard. There are other paid services that offer 6k or 8k memory.


Good...bots are good but there is room for improvement.


They cucked to censorship. You know what that means.


Worried about the future of censorship on this site, but I've enjoyed my experience on it so far as a free user. The queue is annoying, but sometimes the bots say interesting things. Prone to being stuck in a loop though.


Interesting system. Free and quick when there's not lots of people using it. I get better results on it than a 13B model on my own system.


Eh, they need more 13b model options for free users. I wish they'd use mythomax-L2 even if they can't raise the context size because it's being used for free, that's fine. They just need to provide a better model...


Spicychat? nahhhh, more like shittychat.


Runs outdated models that were mediocre when they came out (Pygmalion 7B? Really?), has no form of user feedback apart from views and maybe a like system if your bot is large enough, and mostly hides character descriptions, preventing users from inspecting the quality of created bots. All of this would make me willing to give it a 2/5 but the aggressive monetization of the site drops that to a 0. Changing the samplers on an input should not be locked behind a paywall, and charging 5 dollars to cut a line for access to Pygmalion 7B when you can get a shorter line on Horde for far better model like Psyfighter is ridiculous. Not to mention that despite being called SPICYchat, and seeming to lean towards NSFW content, NSFW roleplays are directed to a worse model than SFW ones(SFW gets Nous-Hermes 13B) for seemingly no reason other than to punish people who came to the site for what it was advertising. Don't give this site you business.


Has a use case if you're just not going to do ERP or if the only ERP you're going to do is consensual uncomplicated established relationship missionary under the sheets with the lights off. Owner initially advertised it as without censorship only to add censorship anyway at around the same time the site was getting a lot more users and started being more profitable.


Censored to fuck and back. Spouts bullshit about "growth and camaraderie and memories" constantly. Devs are too lazy to fix blocking so you're always getting recommended creators that just spam bots for "contest points"


The NSFW part is pretty good and the ai stays in the character pretty well too. The only downside is the low memory of it, I already set a scenario where I was in a hospital, then suddenly I'm in a cafe when the ai respond. Or when I invited the character to cafe on weekend then when the ai initiate it, it suddenly become a study session at school, like bruh.